SEO Basic Course Program
Module 1: Structure and Management of SEO
- The importance of search engine optimization
- Key definitions, terms, metrics, and tools
- On-page optimization for SEO specialists and webmasters
- Technical optimization and compliance with standards
- Analyzing SEO results - measurable factors, goals, and objectives
- Ranking factors - trust, commercial, backlinks, and behavioral
- Link-based ranking - quality and significance of external links, internal linking
- Setting business goals for promotion - informing, increasing brand loyalty, and boosting sales
- Analysis and evaluation of promotion effectiveness Module 2: Business Website Promotion
- Promoting a business website, increasing traffic and conversions
- Developing a strategy for website promotion and improving its search engine rankings
- Practical module: SEO promotion case studies

Module 2: Site Semantic Core
- User search queries: formation and their impact on website SEO
- Aligning website navigation elements with search queries
- Niche search queries: selection and targeting
- Search query statistics: analysis and sorting
- Forming and clustering the site's semantic core
- Tools and methods for creating a semantic core
- Analyzing and collecting search query statistics: recommended tools and methods
- Logical site structure: selection and creation
Module 3: Semantic Core Workshop
- Paid services for search query selection
- Free services for search query selection
- Search query frequency: forming groups
- Clustering: grouping related queries into clusters
- Promoting individual pages using key queries
- Expanding the semantic core by capturing missed semantics
Module 4: Technical Optimization Parameters for SEO
- Determining a good website structure
- Hierarchy and classification within the website structure
- Technical optimization of the website - plan and implementation stages
- Configuring subdomains during technical optimization
- Navigation menu and other website navigation tools
- Page redirects, language versions of the website - configuration

Topic 5. Formatting Tools for SEO.
- How to optimize HTML and CSS of a website.
- SEO optimization using tags.
- Setting up H1-H6 tags.
Topic 6. Workshop on Internal Optimization.
- Performing a technical audit (broken links, interlinking, code clutter, URL structure, duplicate pages).
- Tools used during a technical audit.
- SEO Spider Tool, Netpeak Spider for technical audit and optimization error detection.
- Google Search Console as a tool to find under-optimized pages and fix indexing and ranking issues.
- Website speed audit.
- SEO optimization for mobile devices.
Topic 7. Developing a Website Promotion Strategy.
- Competitors in search results – analyzing their promotion based on keywords.
- Services and tools for analyzing competitor websites.
- Website promotion strategy based on competitor analytics.
Topic 8. Internal Optimization – Practice.
- Overview of optimization tools.
- Setting up meta tags.
- Optimizing page structure.
- Image optimization.
- Content optimization task for the website.
- Practical work assessment.
Topic 9. External Optimization through Link Building.
- Understanding PageRank and its calculation.
- PageRank ranking algorithm and website promotion through links.
- Creating relevant anchor text.
- Methods of increasing link popularity.
- Building link popularity – methods and tools.
- External optimization of the website.
- Link exchange platforms and increasing link popularity.
- Should you buy links for your website and what are the benefits?
- Finding external links for your website.
- Choosing the right links to avoid search engine penalties.
- Distributing link popularity.
- Creating a link profile.
Topic 10. Link Building Practice.
- Identifying top competitors based on target keywords and analyzing their websites.
- Link building plan.
- How to choose a trustworthy website for purchasing links.
- Link buying – tools and effectiveness.
- Selecting websites for link placement.